Welcome to the Messy Table!

Introducing Booty Dice, a fast-paced game that's fun and easy to play! The goal is to collect 25 gold doubloons or be the last pirate standing. Great for all ages, perfect for game nights and road trips!

Get ready to sail on a fun game night with Booty Dice! This exciting game will have you stealing gold, walking the plank, looting buried treasure, and launching attacks. With simple rules and a quick setup, each game will last between 15-20 minutes, ensuring non-stop fun for everyone.

Booty Dice is designed for pirates of all ages, from young buccaneers to seasoned sea dogs, making it the perfect game for adults, teens, and kids alike.

Its portable size allows you to take the swashbuckling adventure with you anywhere, whether it's next door or on your next vacation. This game also makes for a great gift, bringing the excitement of life on the high seas to birthdays and holidays.

And don't forget to bring out your best pirate talk and movie quotes for some extra fun! Get ready for an adventure where your fate depends on the roll of the Booty Dice!